Thursday, December 15, 2011

First and foremost

         For those of you who are not scholars of Greek mythology, allow me to inform you of my monikers' origin.  Daedalus was the master craftsman who built the Labyrinth for King Minos in order to contain the Minotaur. He fell out of the Kings' good graces when he gave Minos' daughter tools to aid in her fight against the beast. Thus, Daedalus, and his son Icarus, were exiled into the Palace of Knossos, on the Isle of Crete. Daedalus created two sets of wings out of wax and feathers for him and his son to escape the island. Daedalus learns to use the wings, and then shared the knowledge with Icarus. He informed his son the he had to fly high enough to avoid the damp air from the water, but not too high to fall victim to the heat from the sun, which would melt the wings. Overcome with the freedom and excitement that flying gave him, Icarus took to the skies, flying higher and higher into the sky, until eventually the wax started to melt, and the wings dissolved around him. Using the best intentions of the father, with the excitement and freedom of the son, this blog is dedicated to the rise.
         This blog will be a critique, a haven for reviews, and a forum for open discussion about the happenings in Sarasota; past, present, and potentially future. I am not a fan of censorship, however, this blog will not become what Daedalus' blog has become. Criticism, personal opinions, and honestly will be 100% tolerated, and anonymity is allowed. Slander for the sake of slander, personal squabbles or attacks, and overall negativity should be avoided. If you disagree with my words, or the words of another reader, find a proper way to make your voice heard, without resorting to childlike retorts and behavior. I will be moderating this much more so than Daedalus. I will not hesitate to delete comments if deemed inappropriate, but will always provide my reasoning for doing so to avoid the possible arguments of playing favorites or holding grudges.
                I already have my eye on my first targets for dissection, and the posts will be coming shortly.



  1. This rules and I'm excited.

  2. Hi Icarus! Thanks for letting me know about this and wishing you total success. If I may offer a small suggestion, the regular boldness white text is a little hard to read in front of the background with pictures and varying stuff going on. Otherwise I really like the look of the blog--it's lovely. But it kinda strains my eyes and I actually highlighted the text so I could read it more easily.

    -April Doner in Gillespie Park neighborhood

  3. FATAL FLAW: reposting a topic already discussed AD NAUSEUM on the other blog. Daedalus just made the same fatal flaw posting about recording quality and Noise Ordiance.

    You need to post about NEW topics, not tired old played out ones. Start doing that and this blog will take over the other in a heartbeat.
